Sunday, April 26, 2009

I rescued your dog today (a rescuer's poem)

I rescued your Dog today...
The one you left at the pound,
The one you had for five years,
And then no longer wanted around!

I rescued your Dog today...
Do you know that he's lost weight?
Do you know that he's scared and confused
And has lost all of his faith?

I rescued your Dog today...
He had fleas and a terrible cold,
But don't you worry yourself -
You've unburdened YOUR load.

I rescued your Dog today...
Were you having a baby or moving away?
Did he suddenly get too big?
Or was there some other reason he couldn't stay?

I rescued your Dog today...
He doesn't play or eat very much.
He's very wary and depressed right now
But, with time, will learn again to trust.

I rescued your Dog today...
And right here he will stay.
He's found his forever home
And a warm bed on which to lay.

I rescued your Dog today...
I will give him all that he could need -
With patience, love, and understanding.
Hopefully, he forgets your selfish deed!

I rescued your Dog today!

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