Monday, May 17, 2010

The drive through milk bone dispenser

Today was one of those boring rainy days. Casey and Karma were bored, snoozed most of the day, except of course when I wanted to take a nap. That was the time Karma selected to lay on the bed next to me and gnaw on one of her Nylabones. It figures.

I had a few errands to run so decided to take the girls with me. Casey sprawled out in the back seat and Karma rode shotgun in the front passenger seat. Stop #1 was at the gas station. Karma was fascinated, had to sit in the driver's seat and watch every move I made, as though she were learning a new skill. Casey slept in the back seat.

Stop # 2 was at a bank. As soon as I pulled up to the drive through window, Casey sprang to attention and peered forlornly at the cashier. She gave her one of those "take pity on me, I haven't eaten in a month" looks. RIIIIIIGHT. Well, the nice cashier opened the tray and had two milk bones there before she even took my deposit. The girls were thrilled! When the drawer opened and I got my deposit receipt back there were two more milk bones! JACKPOT!!

Stop # 3 was at another bank. This time when we pulled up to the window Karma started drooling. She slobbered all over my cell phone, which was sitting in the console's cup holder on charge. I can't imagine how it didn't short out with that deluge of slobber going on. Fortunately I carry extra napkins in the car. In the back seat, Casey was up to her tricks, staring relentlessly at the poor clerk, who apologetically said, "I only have crumbs, is that ok?" By the time the drawer opened Casey was nearly in my lap and Karma could hardly contain herself. I thought they would turn inside out before I could get the little milk bone pieces to them!

So there you have it. Casey and Karma's big adventure: a trip to what I'm sure they consider to be a drive through milk bone dispenser!

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