Oh, yeah, another transport. Fortunately the puking, peeing and pooping was going on in everyone else's cars! My passengers were quiet as little mice, settled down and slept all the way to Salisbury. Our friend Alex had the worst offender, in her brand new Buick Enclave! :( Mari helped her clean it up in Charlotte. UGH. Then on the way to Salisbury Mari called me to ask me to pull off at Popler Tent Road because one of her dogs had puked and peed in the crate, which was sitting on the front seat. And then the crate flipped and everything came pouring out. A good reason to have leather seats!!
We got that all cleaned up and got back on the road, but with all these events, we were late getting to Salisbury and they were 45 minutes late leaving for Greensboro. That puts every leg of the transport late, but sometimes it just can't be helped.
Add to all this trauma the fact that there has been very little gas in Charlotte. I waited in line a half hour yesterday to pay $4.09 a gallon. Fortunately when we got to Spartanburg this morning they had gas, $3.65 a gallon, so I topped off the tank.
Here's a little math: The transport run from my home to Spartanburg then to Charlotte, then to Salisbury, then back home is 250 miles. Jim's Highlander gets 18 miles to the gallon. So it takes about 14 gallons, or somewhere between $51 and $57 to make the trip.
Below are some more photos of my passengers. In all we transported 36 dogs today! THEY'RE ALL GOING TO FREEDOM!
And here's Mari with her little puker Madeline. Such a sweet little dog to have made such a big mess!!! LOL