Thursday, July 29, 2010

Recipe for the "almost perfect" dog

It is reassuring to know that the ingredients for an "almost perfect" dog are available to any responsible dog owner. You can enjoy the wonderful benefits of an "almost perfect" dog. The ingredients are:

One clean bill of health. You can help ensure this vital ingredient with current vaccinations and regular veterinary check ups. 

One proper I.D. Make sure your dog has a license and/or I.D. (dog tags, tattoo, canine microchip).

One well-nourished, well-exercised dog. Feed your dog as recommended by your veterinarian or professional trainer. Exercise your dog as often as possible.

One safe, secure, comfortable environment free from abuse and neglect.

A full measure of time. Time spent with your dog should include training flavored with reward, positive reinforcement, petting, grooming and exercise such as walking, playing, fetching, and just being with you and your family.

Missing ingredients result in behavior problems. Over 60% of dogs in shelters are there as a result of behavior problems or lack of identification.


(from the Kong website)

Saturday, July 24, 2010

Who IS this person??!!

I was looking through some old photo albums a few weeks ago and ran across this photo of me. I guess I was about 10 years old, and as usual, I was with the family dog.

Suzie was a purebred fawn boxer who found her way to us via a truck driver friend of my dad's. He "found" her in Tenessee (note the cropped ears which was not legal in New York even in the 1960's). He brought her back to Akron (NY, near Buffalo), and somehow she ended up with us. In the photo I was teaching her to sit.

All these years later, and I'm STILL teaching dogs to sit!! I can't think of a better use of my time!!

PS - Did you catch those cool shorts? Rolled up denim shorts, we called them "hogwashers". Oh yeah, life in the country!!

Sunday, July 4, 2010

Tears on earth, stars in heaven

The last few weeks have been tough, especially for friends who have said goodbye to the dogs they loved and watched them depart for Rainbow Bridge.

Maria's two, Mari and Dale's Buddy, and yesterday, one of my students, a puppy named Shadow.

Shadow was a 6 month old rottie pup who suddenly showed signs of neurological disorders and an enlarged heart. He had been to class last Friday. Very smart, loved coming to class, and his mom and dad worked with him a lot to help him learn. They adored him. He was beautiful and loving.

Yesterday they came early to class to talk with me. When I asked where Shadow was they simply said, "He's gone," and broke down as they told me how quickly he deteriorated. They had hoped he would be well enough to come to class, at least to get a photo of him wearing a graduation hat. But early Friday morning he was in such bad shape that they decided he was suffering and that it was time to say goodbye.

They brought me two of his toys to put in the classroom toybox to share with the other dogs. Today I watched as the first dog in class found one of them and picked it up to play with and show his dad. Ironically, it was a black lab named Shadow.

It's so tragic that a beautiful puppy like Shadow had to leave us so soon. I only knew him for a few weeks, but he left his pawprints on my heart.

I trust that my Noir has welcomed him to Rainbow Bridge and is running and playing with him until the day in the distand future when his mom and dad come to walk him over the bridge.