Tuesday, September 23, 2008

On the road again

Transport Saturday! This time Mari was out of town so wasn't driving. Instead I drove, and Kylie, another friend from Animal Adoption League, drove too.
Kylie took mostly puppies and one tiny little kitty. I had big dogs as passengers - a 50 pound shar pei named LuLu who was as sweet as could be, a 35 pound chocolate spaniel mix named Dovey, a 35 pound yellow lab mix named Goldie who loved to give hugs, and a little 20 pound chow mix named DeDe. The picture at left is of me and LuLu just before we loaded her up for the next leg of her trip, Salisbury to Greensboro, NC.

It was a perfect day, mid 70's temperature, a nice cool breeze, light traffic on I-85, and my passengers didn't make a peep, just settled in and went to sleep. Kylie's day was a little less perfect, she had to clean out puppy crates and replace the newspaper in them. Puppies that are less than 6 months old aren't allowed to touch the ground during transports because they are at risk of getting parvo. So they have to stay in their crates or be held by a person wearing rubber gloves while their crate is cleaned out. On transports, puppies are called "poopies". :-)

Here are a few pics of my passengers:




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